I wanted to post a note on Facebook, but couldn't figure out how. I stumbled across this in my searches and thought I'd give it a try.
I make no secret of the fact that I am voting for Hillary after voting Libertarian in every election since 1992. My politcal views have simply shifted to the left, and there are parts of the Libertarian platform that I no longer support, mainly economic. I also take issue with candidates nominated by the SCLP also being allowed to run as Constitution party candidates. My interest in the LP was initially based on what I thought was our belief in separation of church and state. The Constitution Party is the opposite of that.
I have one final plea. If you are planning to vote for Donald Trump, this is where we part ways. I don't care how much I like you personally, how well we know each other or how well we like each other, it's over.
I've heard and shared posts of others doing this and now I am doing it. Here's why.
If you are on my Facebook friends list, you're there because we have some connection. I cannot believe that someone I know would support a man whose vice presidential candidate signed discrimination against LGBT people into law. He has working on his campaign, a man who compares me to a dog because I am gay. He and two of his top surrogates have 9 wives between them and each cheated on #1 with #2 and #2 with #3. I would not take issue with this if it weren't for the fact that they plan to make an issue of Bill Clintons infidelity.
This doesn't begin to cover the fact that Donald Trump can't go a day without lying or tweeting lies. He is unstable. He's sexist. He's racist. And what really bugs me is those of you who know he's a con-man and yet you're so anti-hillary you would risk our democracy for it. There's also those of you who think Trump will "shake things up". You wanna shake things up? Don't want to vote for Hillary? Then I'm begging you, vote for Gary Johnson. At least let me respect you enough to not end our friendship.
But if you have your mind set and you're going to vote for Trump...it's been nice knowing you and I wish you well in your future endeavors.