I have notbblogged in a long time, and I decided to do a general birthday blog. If I do a political blog, you will fall into one of two categories......I'm either preaching to the choir or my words will fall on deaf ears. So I'll just stick to birthday stuff.
We had the Great eclipse here in the states yesterday. Mostly family plus a few guests in the field between my house and my parents. It was truly awe inspiring. Those who know me know that I am not religious. I consider myself a Christian in terms of "Do until others" and "Love they Neighbor"; the ones the Religious right conveniently forget or think only apply to other devout Christians. I do not, however, believe in a "creator". I believe in the Big bang theory, and evolution. I have, however, recently become more interested in of all things..... Astrology!
I never paid much attention to horoscopes. I was always told that I was a Leo. When I would read descriptions of Leo's, however, some qualities fit but others were kinda off the mark. Later in life, I investigated Virgo, and it was the same story. A while ago I became aquainted with the cusp horoscopes. The period between about August 19th- August 25th is known as the Cusp of Exposure. When I read a description of someone born during this time....it's like I'm reading an autobiography. I have also joined a Facebook group and it's amazing the experiences we share. I am more of a believer in Astrology that I was before.
Speaking of birthdays, I was very jealous of a young man whos mother was picking up his birthday supplies.
He had a pirate cake and a ton of pirate themed balloons and one balloon in the shape of the number 8. I immediately told the customer that I loved pirates and that "8" was my favorite number. It is also, in hindsight, my favorite age. I first became aware that I was attracted to boys when I was 8.
In elementary school at age 8 I had two friends in a sort of "gang". Paul was our leader, Brad was second in command and I was third. Considering I'm a bottom as an adult it makes sense. Paul, Brad and I would meet at the top of these huge monkey bars (I must have really liked these boys because I was and always have been terrified of heights).
Brad was not here on this particular day. Paul was a teller of tall tales and his favorite was to tell us that he was an East German spy. Those of you who are younger probably don't remember when there was an East and West Germany. Anyway Paul told me that he was getting a call......in his underwear. So he climbed down the monkey bars and went over to the corner of the play ground and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I was very titillated by this and also wanted to know what else was in his underpants.
Also there was a game show called "Whew!" when I was growing up. No one remembers this show but me. The bonus round was the "Gauntlet of Villians" and my favorite was #8-- Jeremy Swash the pirate.
An obscure note to end on, but that's where the story ends. Happy Birthday to me and my fellow cuspians!