Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Gay" Party Voting

Owing to a request to be off early resulting in Monday and Tuesday off, I will be able to vote in the runoff on Tuesday. As I am a person of no religious beliefs, Brandon Browns statement that his faith guides him, coupled with a lack of response from his campaign on his stance in LGBT issues has me supporting Doris Lee Turner. It's got me thinking about my November choices.

One of the things that really irritates me is the countless races that are republicans running unopposed. I normally write myself or a friend or family member in, except for clerk if court Paul Wickensimer, who's daughter went to school with one of my sisters and who I've served jury duty two times under his direction and I like him. That isn't really a partisan position, however. I've learned that write-in votes only count if the candidate in question has submitted his intentions in writing to to county election commissioner. I've toyed with the idea of doing just that, but such a gesture would be largely symbolic and who knows what kind if trouble could come from such an endeavor.

I toyed with the idea of voting straight party Democratic in 2016, but on stubbling across a vote trading website I agreed to vote for Gary Johnson if a voter in North Carolina voted for Hillary. I never heard from this guy so I don't know if it worked, but due to the electoral college I stand by my vote as I was hoping the national libertarian party would get the magic 5% to qualify as a major party. In 2018, I think I may follow through and vote straight party Democratic.

I've pretty much given up on the South Carolina Libertarian party. They allow candidates to run as both libertarian and constitution party candidates, and to me the Constitution party is the antithesis if what I thought the libertarian party stood for. Besides there are no libertarian candidates in the upstate. The American party is a cute idea, but I don't see much in the way of capturing my vote.

By voting straight party, I avoid casting votes for unopposed Republicans as well as casting meaningless write-in votes. I believe I can cast a separate vote for Paul Wickensimer, who I support. ( Update:not sure if his office is even up for election this time).

(Further Update: there's a democratic candidate in my state house district! I didn't know until just now!)