Sunday, September 16, 2018

Will the real Christians please stand up?

I went on a sort of rant earlier today about our Governor starting his press conferences with someone leading a prayer and I want to expand on my comments a bit.

People often assume because I'm gay that I was somehow raised differently. Nothing could be further from the truth. I grew up going to Sans Souci Baptist Church, I went to church camp in the summer (my high school band camp was at the same campground the week before or after so at least once I stayed a whole two weeks). I had my moments of accepting Jesus as my savior, but I realize looking back on it how set up it was with the emotional music and guilt trips. It was never specifically stated "homosexuality is wrong" but one year we did have a discussion about how its ok to tell another man you love him as long as you don't mean it "that way". I had no problem with this concept but I could tell my other male friends were uncomfortable. I had always known I was different, but I was 20 before I put the word "gay" and applied it to myself. Actually at the time I said I was bisexual, not a total lie but a lot of gay men don't want that "gay" label at first.

It was probably an even tougher decision to admit I lacked belief in a "higher power". A magical being sitting on a cloud answering prayers, people turning into pillars of salt, being thrown into lions dens and being unharmed, or magical zoo boats with animals from all over the world showing up two by two, although this would explain why unicorns no longer exist because two males probably showed up and weren't allowed on the boat as a gay couple.

Despite my lack of belief in a "creator God", I still retain the values I was raised to follow. Love they neighbor. Judge not lest ye be judged. Caring for the poor and sick. There's a facebook group and organization I follow called "The Christian Left". I've even donated to them several times. $3 (as in queer as a...) Is all I can afford now and then. They and other groups like it, give me so much hope that true Christianity is not dead.

I recently read an article shared by my local state house candidate about Nixon's southern strategy which was revised by Lee Atwater and is still keeping the republicans in charge in the south today.

Republicans have people convinced that if you don't vote for them; love guns, hate gay people and immigrants, oppose taxes and women's reproductive choices that you're some kind of Godless communist who should be shot with an AK-47...Jesus's weapon of choice.

I think it's time those of us who consider ourselves Christians and are on the left of the political spectrum started pushing back and the best way to do that is get out and vote. Learn about your candidates, not just at the federal level but state and local elections. Lets make our voices heard. The so-called "religious" right has planted deep roots particularly in the south but we can uproot them! "The Christian Left" is starting to make headway, help them out if you can. Lets reclaim The real message of Christianity!