Sunday, December 29, 2019
Gawd and Footbawl
Monday, December 23, 2019
2020 Vision
Thursday, September 12, 2019
This is beyond Liberal vs Conservative, this is Good vs Evil!
I've had a blog post brewing in my mind for some time now but I kept putting it off. I can't do it any longer.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't know who really reads my blogs. I only "publicize" on Facebook and maybe Twitter and most of my friends, many of whom are conservative politically, probably just scroll past. I have to say this. This is mainly directed at people my age, generally referred to as "Generation X".
We have been lied to our whole lives.
I'm not just talking about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, I mean the political party that calls itself the "Grand Old Party".
I've blogged previously about my conservative past. How I went to elementary school with the son of Carroll Campbell, who ran for Congress when we were in school and years later would become Governor of South Carolina. I didn't see him or his family after elementary school, but the Republican Governor of South Carolina knew who I was.
I remember Jimmy Carter being the butt of our jokes. I was part of the Reagan revolution. There's still residue from the Reagan/Bush '84 bumper stickers on the door to mine and my sister Katie's old bedrooms in my parents house.
We were told that if we cut taxes on the wealthy and ended regulations, it would magically trickle down to everyday Americans.
We were raised to hate Communists, Socialists and those big scary "Tax and Spend" Democrats.
The Republican party was the financially responsible party. The party of freedom, justice and liberty for all.
I came out of the closet as a gay man in the spring of 1991. It became clear that liberty and justice for all promised by Republicans only applied to white, heterosexual Christians. I became involved in the Libertarian Party, still not wanting to join those "wacko liberal" Democrats.
I still drank the cutting taxes and regulations kool-aid. I don't think I was ever 100% sold on minimum wage laws causing unemployment but I went along with it.
Then I joined Facebook. And started getting different perspectives on things. I saw how deficits went up under Republican administrations and fell during Democratic ones. For all the negativity hurled at the Clintons....Bill had a budget surplus. He lead this country through one of the greatest economic recoveries ever.
I've watched how Republicans try to blame social security and Medicare for the deficit but those are paid with a separate tax, it has nothing to do with the deficit.
I've watched as state legislatures across the country try to gerrymander legislative districts so despite Democrats getting more votes, Republicans still get more seats.
I've seen Republicans, namely "Moscow Mitch" block legislation that would better protect our elections and make it easier for people to exercise their right to vote.
And today I'm reading posts on the internet on how the Republican legislature in North Carolina took advantage of Democrats attending a 9/11 memorial ceremony to override the Democratic Governor's veto and pass a budget that strips 500,000 North Carolinians of health care.
That is downright evil.
I used to believe that Republicans were just being financially responsible. They opposed social security and Medicare and other social services because they were just too expensive. I was wrong.
Our Republican leadership in South Carolina is still pushing the "lower taxes and ending regulations " agenda. If this was the answer, South Carolina would be one of the richest states in the country, but it's the opposite. Instead of lifting people out of poverty, they oppose any social programs that will better our lives. They want you to believe that if you're a Christian, you can't vote for those "Godless" Democrats. You have to hate gay people and immigrants and you have to oppose women's reproductive rights.
Anyone who knows me or follows me on Facebook knows I'm not religious. I'm suspicious of organized religion. I know, however, I was raised with "love thy neighbor", "do into others as you would have done unto you" and "judge not lest ye be judged".
As far as I see it, it's not the Republicans who are fiscally responsible, protecting freedoms or following Christ's example.
I've seen the light. It's not Republican's a big blue Democratic one!
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Business is picking up.....on Wednesdays!
With tomorrow being my 49th birthday, I had several idea for a birthday blog. I thought about a political rant, but I'm about to burn myself out on politics. There have been some recent developments in my guilty pleasure of professional wrestling and I thought what the hell that's a decent topic that shouldn't cause any controversy.
First of all I would not describe myself as a "hard core wrestling fan". I think a term that best describes me would be "wrestling aficionado". I know the outcomes are predetermined, even the industry admits they are. The fun is much the same as watching a soap opera....what happens next, etc.
Growing up, I would commandeer the TV from my mother's room and move it into mine on Saturdays to watch "Doctor Who" on Saturday afternoons on UNC-TV and then stay up at night to watch WWF Superstars, Rollergames, American Gladiators and the like. I didn't get to watch Monday Night RAW (or WCW Nitro for that matter) unless my parents were out of town. It wasn't until 2002 that I got my own DirecTV account at my little house after moving here in November of 1999 so I missed most of the "Monday Night War". I did enjoy the documentary series on it on the WWE Network, one of the few non in-ring shows I've watched. It looks like we're on the verge of a new war this time on Wednesdays.
The first big move in the wrestling world came when WWE announced that "Smackdown" was moving from the USA Network on Tuesday nights, where it's been for a while, to Friday nights on FOX (as in the broadcast network). Apart from the fact that this will change my viewing habits from YouTube TV on my Google chromecast to watching over-the-air this doesn't change much in my life.
The next big move came with the announcement by Cody (known as Cody Rhodes in his days in WWE but WWE owns the rights to the 'Rhodes' name) and his cohorts of the formation of the new "All-Elite Wrestling" company (AEW). After several months of speculation it was announced that their new show on TNT will air on Wednesday nights. This lead to speculation about what would happen to WWEs developmental brand NXT, which airs on Wednesday night at 8:00 for one hour although it has been taped. We got that answer yesterday, as NXT will now go live with a 2 hour show on Wednesday nights on the USA Network. I'm somewhat surprised because rumors had it moving to FS1 as well as the fact that it will first air live on September 18th, two weeks ahead of AEWs debut on TNT on Wednesday October 2nd as well as Smackdown's move to FOX on Friday October 4th.
The question now is do I watch NXT live on Wednesdays, or do I go with AEW. To be honest it's really a moot point. I have an unlimited cloud DVR with my YouTube TV account so I can watch anytime I want as can most people around the world. I think my loyalty to WWE will win out in the end. It's possible I may watch AEW's first episode on October 2nd. With Thursday as my day off, it's not like I'll have difficulty finding the time to watch.
So wrestling is about to go through somewhat of an upheaval coming up. I think it will be good for the business to have some competition but I think with DVRs and time shifting when people watch things, it's not as big a deal as we may make it out to be. If you've read this, thank you, I know it was boring, I just felt I should post something around my birthday. I'll get political again soon enough.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The evolution IS televised
I'm having trouble sleeping tonight because I have a blog in mind and my mind keeps turning over and over so I'd better start this part of it.
There are three subjects I blog on. get enough of that from me on Facebook.
Sports......usually my thoughts are short enough to post on Facebook.
And television and my continuing evolution on cord-cutting.
I said goodbye to DirecTV last year. It was just too expensive and since I don't get AT&T internet where I live, and was paying Verizon for internet, phone and tablet, it just made sense to go with streaming for my Live TV.
I tried a lot of free (and not so free) trials and the only service that wasn't affected by my internet speed was YouTube TV. The downside was the dispute between Google and Amazon means no official YouTube TV app on Fire Stick. I had limited success with an unsupported app I sideload but I since reconnected my Google Chromecast and it works almost flawlessly with YouTube TV. The only real problem is occasionally my Mifi device will sometimes restart on it's own but I just wait for it to reload and it (the picture and feed) comes back.
I am also relying less and less and my Amazon Fire Stick mainly because when I reach my high speed data limit...22GB.....things won't load or stop in the middle and i get a message that i don't have enough bandwidth.
In addition i am quickly discovering new over-the-air channels. I have long been disappointed that i could not receive retro tv at 50-2 because they show classic Doctor Who nightly. 2 episodes weekdays at 8:00 PM and 4 on Saturday from 6:00 to 8:00 and Sunday from 7:00-9:00. After looking up ways to improve my signal I did a re-scan for channels and BOOM! I get the channel and 3 others at 50. The bad part it I don't get great reception, which as a teen growing up who fiddled with rabbit ears to watch Doctor Who and other shows on UNC-TV I'm somewhat used to poor reception but back in the analog days this meant a fuzzy picture. These days with digital, a bad signal is pixelated, skips and freezes making it not very enjoyable to watch. So I have ordered a new antenna with a longer range to try and see if it can be improved.
On a second re-scan I was also receiving channels at 28. My favorite is 28-6...Decades. Check out this weekday afternoon lineup
2 episodes each
2:00 The Mary Tyler Moore Show
3:00 The Bob Newhart Show
4:00 Newhart
The latter was a later series set in Vermont whose infamous finale featured Bob Newhart's character being hit in the head with a golf ball and waking up in bed with Susanne Pleshette in the character of his wife from the previous "The Bob Newhart Show". One of the funniest moments in TV history. The trouble is if I move my antenna to try to get better reception of 50-2, it affects 28, etc. So also trying to remedy that.
I recently downloaded an app called "No Cable" which gives local TV listings plus advice on antennas. According to one feature with an amplified indoor antenna I should also be able to receive 33 (UNC-TV) and 40 (My Network TV) and their subchannels. So I have ordered an antenna with 140 mile range as opposed to the 50-60 mile range I have now. One thing keeping me up is I can't wait for it to arrive. I will post now and try to get some sleep but I will come back tomorrow and post the results.
So the update is i wasted my money. The new antenna didn't pick up as many channels I finally hooked the old one back up, repositioned it a few times and finally got the 39 channels I was receiving before. All channels going in good-great and channel 50-2, etc. Was still choppy. I guess the range of the antenna isn't the issue it's just my location. I could look into outdoor antennas but it seems like a lot of work with no guarantee. Lesson learned.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
I'm fired up! Rant on LGBT issues and trump
I'm up late watching hockey and I've been getting fired up today. If i don't get things off my chest i won't sleep, not that i will much anyway.
During the campaign, Donald trump was handed a rainbow flag with "LGBT for Trump" written across the yellow stripe. He held it up proudly, smiling.
At the Republican national convention, he went out of his way to say in his speech "We will protect our LGBTQ citizens ". I think he added the 'Q' I'm not sure but he got applause for the line.
Now trump is instituting a ban on transgender people serving in the military. Not because he thinks they're unfit to serve, we all know he's no judge on thar, but because Obama instituted those protections. All trump and Republicans are interested in is undoing what the "black guy" did and upsetting liberals.
I'm still very ashamed that i did not vote for Barack Obama, instead continuing to vote libertarian. A big part of the reason I'm such a liberal now is because Obama made me a better person. Now Obama is very moderate compared to my current political tendencies.
Barack was married to one woman. I don't care what conservative media or coworkers say. Michelle is a beautiful woman. They have two beautiful daughters, Barack has no other children. They were called monkeys and lies spread about them in tabloids. Conservatives treated him like the anti-christ.
trump has cheated on all his wives and has children with three different women. He paid off a porn star to try to hide an affair. And his supporters don't freaking care. They treat him like he's the second coming. I don't understand it. I never will. I hope i never do.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Biden my time til 2020, Warren it to get here sooner with a Bern-ing desire to vote for Pete's sake.
So I've been looking for the perfect opportunity to post about the 2020 presidential race, and these ridiculous allegations against Uncle Joe come out. I'm all for the #MeToo movement. Men should treat Women better and we need to respect personal space and all that. We also know the kind of man Joe Biden is and this just doesn't match up. This is obviously a blatent attempt to discredit the democratic front runner, who hasn't even announced that he's running yet. Compared to our sexual assalter in chief whatever Uncle Joe's missteps, these are nothing. And even though I'm a progressive and Joe Biden is a centrist, i think he's our best shot to beat trump, leading by 10 points in the last polls i looked up. Joe Biden will likely not get my vote next February, however.
I supported Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary, and still get fire from both the left and right because of it. My "friends" on the right think I'm a Pie in the sky dreamer and those on the left accuse me of being a party crasher. I recently joined the Democratic Socialists of America and Bernie's our guy, but I'm not planning on voting for him.
I love Elizabeth Warren especially the way she takes on the big banks. After we failed to elect our first female president in 2016, it would be great to right that wrong, but she probably won't get my vote.
My vote February 2020 will almost assuredly go to Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
If you haven't heard of him, the best piece on him was done by Trevor Noah of "The Daily Show".
It is rumored that Joe Biden will not only announce Stacey Abrams as his running mate from the get go, but that he will run as a one-term president. If that happens, or worst case scenario we get another four years of trump, look out for Mayor Pete in 2024.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
I'm mad as hell......
I know what these federal workers are going through. I live paycheck-to-paycheck. I had a terrible summer financially because i wasnt getting enough hours at work. I had to end my dental and vison insurance and reduce my United Way donation from $5/week to $1/week because I simply wasnt taking home enough money. I had to drop DirecTV which i was very happy with because i simply couldnt afford it anymore. I'm very fortunate that my parents allow me to live in this house practically rent free ($25/week goes from my paycheck to an account my father uses to pay bills). I know what its like to miss a paycheck. Donald Trump doesn't understand that.
Our "president " has never struggled to pay a bill in his life. He said in a speech defending voter ID laws (which are thinly veiled voter suppression in my opinion) that you have to show your ID to buy groceries. I want a President whos bought their own groceries in the past 60 years.
Donald trump is holding these people hostage because hes having a temper tantrum and few Republicans have the guts to stand up to him.
A border wall would do nothing and immigrants are not the propblem anyway they are just a scapegoat. If trump really cared about security, he would be just as eagar to reopen the government as anyone. Our security is at risk because of this shoutdown. How anyone, even the most staunch conservative, can still support this idiot is beyond me.