Thursday, January 24, 2019

I'm mad as hell......

I know what these federal workers are going through.  I live paycheck-to-paycheck. I had a terrible summer financially because i wasnt getting enough hours at work. I had to end my dental and vison insurance and reduce my United Way donation from $5/week to $1/week because I simply wasnt taking home enough money. I had to drop DirecTV which i was very happy with because i simply couldnt afford it anymore.  I'm very fortunate that my parents allow me to live in this house practically rent free ($25/week goes from my paycheck to an account my father uses to pay bills). I know what its like to miss a paycheck.  Donald Trump doesn't understand that.

Our "president " has never struggled to pay a bill in his life. He said in a speech defending voter ID laws (which are thinly veiled voter suppression in my opinion) that you have to show your ID to buy groceries.  I want a President whos bought their own groceries in the past 60 years.

Donald trump is holding these people hostage because hes having a temper tantrum and few Republicans have the guts to stand up to him.

A border wall would do nothing and immigrants are not the propblem anyway they are just a scapegoat.  If trump really cared about security,  he would be just as eagar to reopen the government as anyone. Our security is at risk because of this shoutdown. How anyone,  even the most staunch conservative,  can still support this idiot is beyond me.