I'm up late watching hockey and I've been getting fired up today. If i don't get things off my chest i won't sleep, not that i will much anyway.
During the campaign, Donald trump was handed a rainbow flag with "LGBT for Trump" written across the yellow stripe. He held it up proudly, smiling.
At the Republican national convention, he went out of his way to say in his speech "We will protect our LGBTQ citizens ". I think he added the 'Q' I'm not sure but he got applause for the line.
Now trump is instituting a ban on transgender people serving in the military. Not because he thinks they're unfit to serve, we all know he's no judge on thar, but because Obama instituted those protections. All trump and Republicans are interested in is undoing what the "black guy" did and upsetting liberals.
I'm still very ashamed that i did not vote for Barack Obama, instead continuing to vote libertarian. A big part of the reason I'm such a liberal now is because Obama made me a better person. Now Obama is very moderate compared to my current political tendencies.
Barack was married to one woman. I don't care what conservative media or coworkers say. Michelle is a beautiful woman. They have two beautiful daughters, Barack has no other children. They were called monkeys and lies spread about them in tabloids. Conservatives treated him like the anti-christ.
trump has cheated on all his wives and has children with three different women. He paid off a porn star to try to hide an affair. And his supporters don't freaking care. They treat him like he's the second coming. I don't understand it. I never will. I hope i never do.