Wednesday, February 19, 2020

THIS blog is not made of recycled materials.

I've been wanting to write a blog because it's been a while, but I didn't want to repeat myself.

I thought about writing about the upcoming South Carolina primary and why I like all the candidates and even though I'm a progressive at heart, I'll be voting for Mayor Pete, but I decided not to.

We're  on the the road to Wrestlemania. I thought about doing another wrestling blog, but no. I need something else. 

I thought maybe I'd blog about the shows I'm watching now, but that would just be recycling and old idea. 

Recycling? I've been making some environmental changes recently. AH HA!

I live in an unincorporated area of Greenville and I don't get city garbage or recycling services. We have to pay for our own. When my family first moved out to Taylors,  we had to take our trash to the dump ourselves, but private trash services started popping up. I used to take my trash to my parents bin, then when I got more financially stable I started paying for my own service. I also used their recycling service which is every other week whereas the trash is weekly. Our pickup day is Thursday barring a holiday during the week occasionally shifting it to Friday. 

The price for their recycling service went up recently,  and my bill at the beginning of the year was almost $100. They also changed the frequency of billing which explains some of the increase, but it was too high. I stopped my recycling service with them and started investigating local recycling centers. I found one in Greer that seems easy for me to get to, but I have had so much else to do on my days off lately, I haven't found the time yet.

I had already started to make some small changes. I have a tumbler from the Human Rights Campaign that I try to take with me and just have ice water with my lunch. The tough part is remembering to take it home after work or take it with you went I walk from the parking lot to my car. I try to take it to my car on my break as it's in my hand on on my mind.

When I do forget it, or I want something else, I buy aluminum cans and not plastic. This limits my choices on zero sugar drinks, the normal choice is Sparkling Ice caffeine. 

I bought a camping fork and tried to use it instead of plastic but I left 8t somewhere. Perhaps I should buy one and take it with me to work as well.

I'm also starting to investigate more environmentally friendly products I use every day.i frequently get ads in my Facebook feed for these products and I've ordered a few.

The first one that caught my attention was "Dr. Squatch" soap and shampoo. Most commercial soaps and shampoos are made with the same chemicals that are in dish and laundry detergent. "Dr. Squatch" is also in natural bars which eliminates plastic bottles. I have made my first order but I missed that they have a starter kit. 

Another product that caught my eye was "Who gives a crap?" toilet paper. It comes in a box with individually wrapped rolls using 100% recycled paper., no plastic wrappers. They also make other products like paper towels which I will get in my free trial. I have also for several years used bath poofs, which wear out and have to be thrown out. I am going back to washcloths, and I need new excuse to shop! Also in the comments a suggestion was made that the paper wrapping makes funny gift wrap. I'm a bagger not a wrapper but it could do instead of tissue paper, but which lead to funny ideas about my nephew's birthday presents. (It's not until Cinco de Mayo but I'm a planner when it comes to gifts).

I've looked at laundry detergents. I'm currently using pods and my latest purchase was Myers which is plant based. It doesn't smell bad but it's not very fragrant. It also doesn't fully dissolve and it leaves little chunks which sometimes make it into the dryer and rattle. I need to do more investigating on that issue. I've read that powder is better than anything else. 

I don't have any more thoughts on the matter. I'm contemplating breakfast and whether to go shopping before work at the Publix closer to me or wait until closer to my shift at my store and shop then. It may be IHOP then shopping at Publix at Thornblade closer to my shift at 10:30. Have a good day and if you recycle any of this, some credit would be nice.