Thursday, March 12, 2020

I'll take the Coronavirus with a slice of Lyme disease.

After finally, after some controversy after 1 failed attempt, Greenville county council "sunsetted" the 1996 anti-gay ordinance.  Is that the end of it? No because now an attempt is being made to put a question on the November ballot basically asking citizens of Greenville county to reaffirm their hatred of the LGBTQ+ community. 

I had a glimmer of hope when an openly gay man announced his intention to run for my district's county council seat. Then after being friends with him on Facebook for a few days and having my Facebook feed flooded with disrespectful and dismissive memes targetting Bernie Sanders. While I am supporting Joe Biden as the best candidate to lead us to victories all the way down the ballot,  and while this person was perfectly respectful to me, his attitude towrds Bernie..referring to him as a communist in one post....just strikes me as not being the kind of open minded individual i want represtenting me.

Just a few hours ago, i had a FedEx carrier not only deliver the wrong package to my house, but decided to share with me his conspiracy theory about Joe Biden picking Hillary Clinton for his running mate then resigning so she could become President.

Meanwhile we've got the coronavirus canceling sporting events,  which makes me worry about the Lady Gamecocks being able to pursue a championship. As I'm about to post this, the notification came that the NCAA tournaments have been canceled. I've also got customers getting mad at me because i can only sell them 2 bottles of hand sanitizer or packs toilet paper; which people are hoarding for a virus that doesn't cause diarrhea. 

We have people getting mad at Joe Biden for telling a gun nut he's "full of shit" when our "president " curses all the time while golfing and tweeting between covering up affairs with porn stars, all while the religious right praises him.

It's just a constant struggle here in the upstate of South Carolina and while i would love to stick my middle finger up and say goodbye to Greenville and hello to a more progressive city like Columbia or Charleston, I'm financially unable to do so. 

I was born in Columbia, SC but my family moved to Greenville county when i was still an infant. We moved to Taylors when i was about 6 years old and apart from a short stint at a friend's cabin in Columbus, NC, I've lived out here ever since. This is my home, yet i constantly feel unwelcome in my own backyard. I feel like an outsider even among other outsiders. I am just getting fed up. I'm tired of fighting for things that I shouldn't have to fight for.

I just realized this is a very gloomy blog. I'm trying to come up with something positive to end on but nothing comes to mind. I'm ok, I really am, I'm just really down right now. I'll carry on as usual. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Uncle Joe is back!

So I've been home from the USC Furman baseball game for a few hours (South Carolina broke the 1-1 tie with a waa run shot in the top of the 12th and won 3-1.I was following some Super Tuesday results so I was already aware that Uncle Joe wa see having a good night but it's really getting fascinating. 

If you follow me on Facebook, you know I'm a progressive. I was the proverbial "Bernie Bro" in 2016. I really didn't have anything against Hillary Clinton- when she won the nomination I expected her to win and I was disappointed when she didn't. 

I've seen the arguments against Bernie Sanders winning the nomination and the counter arguments in favor of him and I see merits to both arguments. There's a reason why we refer to him as "Uncle" Joe. He's beloved by most of the electorate. Bernie is polarizing. I absolutely agree with both Bernie and Elizabeth. We need universal Health Care. We need to at least bring the cost of college down. We need to eliminate student debt. But this idea of rugged individualism; this sink or sink capitalism; this "pull yourself up by your bootstraps (which is actually a physical impossibility) is so engrained in the American psyche that some people will never in a million years vote for someone who self-identified as a socialist, even if they add "democratic" to the term.

The superdelegates are going to ensure that Joe Biden is the nominee if they can. The "Bernie Bros" are going to be upset. So how do you placate them?

On election night in 2018 I started to turn my attention to 2020 and my first thought...and I posted it on Facebook...was a Biden/Warren ticket. Bear with me here.

If Uncle Joe is the nominee (or Bernie for that matter) it's almost a foregone conclusion that a women will have to be the VP nominee to try to make up for the disappointment of not having our first female president. 

Other possibilities are Kamala Harris,  who challenged Joe in an early debate,  and don't forget the original rumor that Joe was going to announce before hand that Stacey Abrams who be his running mate. 

Or how about a real longshot....Michelle Obama. You could really but the Obama/Biden collilisio back together,  only it'd be Biden/Obama this time. A little far fetched I'll admit but I can dream.