It's early on Sunday May 24th now.
In a previous ous blog, I talked about how I was making more environmentally conscious decisions about my everyday life, the latest change is coming in the form of my shaving routine.
I have been using Dollar Shave Club for years. My facial hair is so light that i didn't really change the blades often and i built up a backlog. I still have 7 (one 5-pack and another one in another pack plus the one I was currently using) but I decided not to wait. I have made the change to a double sided safety razor.
After first finding a company called Leafshave and finding their blades too complicated (you had to snap them in half and load 2 or 3 into the razor) I found Rockwell which was a more traditional safety razor. They had several models but the one I liked, the R1 also called "The Rookie", wasn't available on the Rockwell website. I found it on Amazon, however with 5 blades. The next step was "shaving the traditional way".
The shave kits on Rockwell's website all came with their more sophisticated razors (you could change the settings to a "more aggressive" shave which sounded scary. The R1 is the lowest setting (hince being called "The Rookie") and with my light facial hair it's probably all I need. Because I am a convert to Dr. Squatch soap, I thought I would try their shave kit.
Traditional shaving involves a brush and shave soap. You soak the brush in warm water (I did that while I was in the shower), shake off the water, circle the brush in the shave soap and then brush the soap on your face.
Here's where it didn't work for me. My light facial hair meant the soap dissipated quickly. It was practically gone by the time i went to shave. The shaving itself went very well...I half expected to cut myself up the first few tries but not even a nick. When i shave this morning I will use the rest of my traditional shaving cream and see how that goes. I ordered some shaving cream from Rockwell and I also had previously ordered a "blade safe" to store the used blades before recycling and a 20 pack of blades.
I will update this blog later with the results. Until then....
So after 4:00 I gave up and decided to get up. About 4:30 I had a bowl of chili (really starting the day off right aren't I?)
I then showered and shaved using traditional shaving cream and it worked just fine in fact a lot better than the disappearing shave soap. I still need to work on shaving under my chin both on the sides and directly underneath but I learned online it takes practice to get the hang a safety razor. No cuts at all, I think I was right to start with the R1 even if I had to get it on Amazon and not through Rockwell. I think I'm going to like this new routine.