I've never really studied acting. I never did school plays or anything like that so I'm not an expert. The acting on DS9, however, was out of this world (pun fully intended). I particularly loved some of the relationships in the show, Odo and Quark; Dr. Bashier and Chief O'Brian; Worf and Dax (both Jadzia and Ezri). I didn't think I would like Ezri Dax after Jadzia died, but I found her to be a very sympathetic character. My favorite episode was "Take me out to the Holosuite", because of my love of both Star Trek and Baseball which I wrote about in a previous blog.
The next logical step of course is to watch "Babylon 5" as it was produced around the same time and a quick internet search will net tons of results on speculation about how Babylon 5 was pitched to Paramount before Warner Bros. picked it up and how similar both shows are. Accusations of plagiarism abound between fans of both shows. According to many of my science-fiction inclined friends, Babylon 5 is the superior show and if that's the case I'm in for a real treat because I have a very high opinion of DS9 going in.
The question now is how to watch B5? It airs on Comet TV and it is recorded/recording on my YouTube TV DVR, however I would have to fast forward through commercials and ignore the big on screen logo for Comet TV. There is a more political question, however. Comet TV is owned by the evil Sinclair broadcasting, which forces local newscasts of the stations they own to run pro-trump news stories with or without objections from the local anchors and producers. Also in question is the fact that I watched DS9 commercial free and sat back and relaxed while I watched. Comet TV will take a few weeks to cycle back around to Season 1 and i would have to be prepared to skip through commercials.
Babylon 5 is available on several platforms, but i was pleased to learn that Amazon Prime now offers the full series at $29.99/season. I was short on hours on my paycheck this week, so i will have to wait a little longer to begin my viewing. It seems more fair to watch it commercial free on Amazon Prime as I did with DS9 even if it costs me a little bit extra. I'm certainly not buying it by the episode at $1.99/each!
So my plan is set. Sometime I also need to pull out my "Firefly" DVD set and give that a watch as well. Maybe while I wait to be able to afford Babylon 5!