I moved into this little house in November of 1999 after a nervous breakdown and discovering (although in many ways I already knew) that I was HIV+. Tensions between my parents and I were running high and the decision was made to allow me to live in my Great Aunts old house. My father bought half her land to build the house myself and my sisters grew up in. My Great Aunt Marie (pronounced Mare-E for reasons that always alluded me) died in 1988 when I was on a trip with my high school marching band.
This house has been terrific for me, but things are starting to break down. The house was built in the 1940s and most of the appliances were as well. The yard is also a big problem as it is overgrown and well beyond my capacity to take care of.
There's a problem, however.
I love my job at Publix. I've been there going on 13 years now and I'm building quite a nestegg. Publix as well as most retail outlets, however, doesn't hire full time. It wouldn't really work as a cashier anyway, because you have to be so careful about going over 40 hours. They really don't want to pay that overtime. I'm not really qualified to do anything else...that you can legally be paid for...and i don't want to do anything else anyway.
I've looked into ways to earn money by blogging, etc. but it seems really complicated to me. Most advice I read says you have to specialize, but that's the opposite of who I am. I consider myself a renaissance man and as a person born during the cusp of exposure, varied interests is what we're all about.
Buying the house for myself has occurred to me, but I don't have that kind of money and I have too much debt to begin with to even consider taking on more.
I have seen apartments listed in Greenville and Greer for less than $1,000/month, some for less than $600, but finding an extra $1K/month is proving difficult not to mention the added expense (even in terms of labor) of moving all my stuff. Ive looked into instacart and shipt, but the interview process for shipt is ridiculous and instacart has no openings right now. Also why spend any more time in a grocery store than necessary? My house is so "lived in" (to put it politely) it's just impractical to consider moving.
So I find myself in the same place I always do when I panic about my future and my living situation. I've got it pretty good. I need to do better in some places but other things I'm just going to have to accept are out of my control. Just do your best Daniel Patten. That's all you can do. Don't be so afraid to ask for help when you need it. And keep at it. You'll be 50 soon. 10 years away from your senior discount at Publix and not that much futher away than being able to retire (although that's probably further away than I think).
I feel better now that I've "talked things out". I haven't really watched any of my normal shows today I've been so preoccupied. Perhaps a nap is in order soon. And I eat like a retired person and it's 4:00. Have a good day everyone. Thanks for reading.