Despite the pandemic and having to wear a mask every day at work and when I go out to eat it's really not been a bad year for me personally. I've done some redecorating and cleaning, or maybe clearing out is a better way to put it. A new roof is coming soon thanks to my dad and insurance. I had a brief period of panic and wanting to move to Columbia or Charleston or somewhere on my own, I'm starting to look into low income housing options but I've been holding off I need to get back on it.
Sportswise the Gamecocks stunk it up in football but we're getting a new coach and I'm very excited about Shane Beamer. I was so worried that they were going to hire Hugh Freeze and I would have had to withdraw my support.
We did have a weird convergence of NBA, NHL and MLB championships in October this year due to Covid delays in basketball and hockey. A good year for Los Angeles and Tampa Bay. The Chargers are out I think, Rams are a possibility and with Tom Brady on the Buccaneers now you never know. I really don't have any one team I'm favoring over any other but a Chiefs Packers Super Bowl has always appealed to me as it was Super Bowl I. Very real possibility of that this year or rather next year as Super Bowl LV will be February 7th, 2021.
2021. It reminds me off my late friend James. He died in 1994 (gee what a long time ago). It was around new year of 1992/3 and we were discussing how we didn't like the "3" at the end of the year. It was odd numbers 1,3,7 and 9. 5 was ok i think because it's "half-way" or maybe because it's a divisor of 10 I'm not sure where our conversation went from there but for some reason I like "2021".
Maybe it's because 21 is "blackjack" or the "legal" age I'm not sure. It sounds good though. There's something right about it.
Then of course politically our attention will mainly turn to 2022. Not sure if any democrats are lining up to run for Governor yet. My hopes are with former University of South Carolina trustee Darla Moore, who is only a "former" trustee because that snake in the grass Nikki Haley replaced her with one of her big donors. It's the freaking "Darla Moore school of business" for a reason.
Then there's my own little neck of the woods, state house district 17. I was so excited in 2018 when Judi Buckley ran as a Democrat here. I got involved in her campaign, although admittedly a big part of that was being able to have breakfast at "The Cafe at Williams Hardware" once a month dang i miss that place. I've toyed with the idea of running myself just to put a name on the ballot but my tax refund was delayed and I talked myself out of it. I'm openly gay, HIV+ and I describe myself as a secular humanist. That's three strikes against me right of the bat. Plus I live in a house on my conservative parents property no telling what kind of threats they would get let alone me.
There's a side of me though that just wants my name on the ballot once in my life. A bucket list item and I'll admit an ego trip, I have the self awareness to acknowledge that. Then again if I ever do move, maybe it's to a more "blue" part of Greenville county. Although they probably have leaders already elected. So I'm torn. I'll probably just stay behind the scenes and try to encourage someone else to run and help them out. Ok it's 2:45 am. I should get some sleep. Have a great end of 2020 everyone. Kick old man 2020 in the ass on his way out!