Monday, January 10, 2022

National Championship thoughts

I have some thoughts on tonight's national championship I wanted to share.

I have been somewhat angered by posts on Twitter saying Gamecock fans shouldn't pull for Georgia either because of former Gamecock coach Will Muschamp or some rivalry that only really existed in the 70s and 80s. Things are so one-sided between South Carolina and Georgia apart from a fluke win by the Gamecocks a few years ago. 

I have a high school classmate who is a UGA grad. I wasn't in many classes with him in high school and we didn't really hang around in the same circles but as we're both openly gay now our friendship has blossomed in recent years although I haven't heard from him much lately.  I tease him because while I pull for them against Clemson, he won't return the favor and pull for us because his family are Clemson fans.

My main reason in pulling for Georgia, however, is my father's side of the family which  consists of huge Georgia Bulldog fans. As my father was in the Gamecock Club and we had season tickets in Columbia,  we would also attend when the Gamecocks played at Sanford stadium.  We would usually visit family during the trip (one year we didn't and someone saw my father at the game and told on least that's the story I recall from my father). My family in Georgia also consists of tons of "double cousins".

Now don't get the wrong idea. My great uncle, who I called "Daddy Bill" and my great Aunt "Mama Sue" were only related by marriage. There was no Incest, it's Georgia we're talking about not Alabama. Daddy Bill was the brother of my grandmother on my father's side. I sadly never knew my paternal grandparents as they were killed in a car accident when my father was 16. Mama Sue was my great Aunt by marriage but also my 3rd cousin by blood. I don't think I ever loved any two people more than Daddy Bill and Mama Sue and I don't think any two people loved me any more than they did. Their visit every August when they brought my sister Katie and I our birthday presents are the highlights of my childhood. 

So all those people saying we should root for Georgia tonight just don't know what they're talking about.  Alabama has won way too many national championships it's time someone else did. As for which broadcast I'll watch while I enjoyed the Alabama and Georgia hometown radio broadcasts in the semifinals, I really like Chris Fowler and Kirk Herbstreit. In the past I enjoyed the "Sounds of the Game" broadcast with no announcers but ESPN no longer does that one...I guess I'm too much of an Iconoclast and not many other people watched that one. Traditional broadcast will be my choice tonight while probably breaking for the halftime performances on ESPN3. 

Fortunately I don't work until 11:00 AM tomorrow so I shouldn't be too bleary eyed on Tuesday. Only thing left to say is Go Dawgs! Sic 'Em! Woof!Woof!Woof!Woof! Woof! 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy 2022 sorry it's been a while

I haven't blogged in months, mainly due to getting a lot of hours at work and also not having anything to really blog about. As I usually do one around new years and my new years included two of my favorite things, plus I'm up early on January 2nd, here goes. 

I was scheduled 7:00-4:00 on New Years Eve, which worked out great as the college football playoffs got underway at 3:30. My original plan was to tune to "ABC News Live" to watch the ball drop. At around 9:45 however,  towards the end of the 4th quarter I realized I wasn't going to make it to midnight. I planned to celebrate at midnight Atlantic time and was hoping ABC News Live would have coverage from somewhere in the Atlantic time zone. I stopped watching the game around 10:54 and went to ABC News Live on Sling. Unfortunately when they came back from commercial before 11:00, they were in Times Square interviewing NYCFC of MLS. I scrambled to find something on YouTube and settled on the London fireworks for a bit. Took me a long time to open my bottle of Andre and I had a glass or two and went to bed.

New Years Day started with my usual pomegranate mimosas, a tradition I started a few years ago. I watched some football then walked up to my parents house for our traditional collard greens, black-eyed peas, ham and cornbread. We also had mashed sweet potatoes. I watched a little more football before walking home, watched even more football with pomegranate mimosas. Originally I had planned to go to bed after the Rose Bowl and get up early to watch the 3:35am replay of the Doctor Who's New Years special. Around 6:30 though I got very sleepy,  probably from eating 3 helpings at dinner so I went to bed. After sleeping very soundly for about 90 minutes I woke up in time for the end.of the Rose Bowl and I also watched the Sugar Bowl. I think went to bed again and woke up around 2:30 without any of my alarms set for 3:00 going off. After some web surfing I put my Sling app on BBC America and got ready for the special. 

Perhaps this is a 'woke' thing to notice but in the opening credits I noticed that both the producer and director of "Eve of the Daleks" were women. Unlike the "Flux" 6 part series a few weeks earlier,  which was confusing and just not very  satisfying,  I throughly enjoyed "Eve of the  Daleks". Don't want to spoil anything for those that haven't seen it yet, but I think most doctor who fans will be pleased.

So that was my New Years. Only thing to say now is


(I have a lot of family in Georgia and they are big bulldog fans.)