Friday, August 19, 2022

Babylon 5 over streamlining streaming services

So I have finally worked my way through "Babylon 5" after streaming "ST:Deep Space 9" and other than the obvious similarities and how Paramount passed on "B5" before "DS9" came about they really are two distinct shows. While religion plays a part in "B5" it's not a central issue as it is with "DS9". Also with "DS9" there is much more of an ability to pick out a favorite episode for an individual viewing,  my favorite for example is "Take me out to the Holosuite". "B5" is much more of a narrative I guess I'm trying to say, watching the whole series is more necessary. 

Before my getting through "Babylon 5" I had decided that when my HBO Max subscription ends on August 30th, I am not going to renew it. The only other show I watched on the service was new series Doctor Who,  most of which I own on DVD although some of those are corrupted. Shortly after I made that decision it was announced that next year HBO Max will merge with Discovery+.

Several of my streaming services are also on the chopping block.

On Britbox, I am currently making my way through another viewing of "Blakes 7". For those unfamiliar with "B7" it is basically a dystopian British reverse Star Trek...the logo is even the "Starfleet" logo turned sideways. While Doctor Who will always be my first love and my favorite show, in many ways I feel that "Blakes 7" is the superior show. I also of course watch classic Doctor Who on britbox but again I own all of the classic series on DVD and they are just collecting dust. I recently switched from watching the British comedy "'Allo, 'Allo" on britbox because while I had made my way to season 7 on Amazon Prime, that season is only available on Britbox so I had to switch. I have my current Britbox subscription until June 23, 2023, so I should be able to finish watching "Blakes 7" and "'Allo, 'Allo" by then. 

Hulu is currently my destination for "Monday Night Raw" and "NXT" as well as "NXT Lvl Up" which drops on Peacock Friday nights at 10:00 pm but i'm usually either watching "AEW Rampage" on TNT or i'm going to bed because of an early shift on Saturday. Word on the internet however is that WWE's contract with Hulu is ending soon and Peacock is likely going to be the new next day streaming home for most WWE programming. Smackdown is a question mark due to it's airing on FOX. It's very likely that when Hulu losses it's non ABC/Disney content it will merge with Disney+. So Hulu is likely not going to be around in it's current format when my subscription expires next March. 

ESPN+ is one that I like to have, but it's not really necessary. While I have enjoyed sporting events on the service,  there are so many other sporting events going on often at similar times. 

Peacock is a must for WWE and Days of our Lives due to it's leaving the airwaves and going to streaming exclusively. Paramount+ is needed for Star Trek and Disney+ for Star Wars. Amazon Prime is worth it for the shipping alone and they will have Thursday night NFL games might as well keep it. Sling is my live TV service but I rarely stray beyond ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3 (which is mainly Sporting events broadcast on ABC which I cannot receive over-the-air). TBS and TNT for AEW Dynamite, Rampage and other special programs. BBC America of course for New series Doctor Who and I'm currently recording A&E biography series on WWE Legends but I haven't watched it yet. 

As always the caveat is I don't pay for streaming services monthly but yearly. It saves money and as long as you cancel you won't get surprises on your bank account.