He's early but healthy).I'm growing increasingly frustrated with the fact that I will never be able to afford a nice apartment on my own with a part-time cashier's salary and I'm reading horror stories online about people who left one retail job for another hoping for better hours and pay and not finding it.
The fact is retail workers and others just aren't paid enough to support a decent lifestyle. I honestly don't know how my co-workers do it. The kids live with their parents but other than that it's beyond me how they afford rent or other monthly expenses. I'm fortunate that many of my bills are still paid by my father and I only pay $100/week that goes directly from my paycheck to his account. I do that so I don't even see the money it's already "spent".
I've been searching for jobs on Indeed and not many pay much more than I earn now. There are a few warehouse jobs but I'm not very strong or possess great dexterity. A job at Verizon seemed promising but I couldn't make the interview on Tuesday because I'm scheduled 10:00-6:00.
I'm looking into copywriting which motivated me to blog this early morning (USA!USA!USA!). I just don't know if I have the skills to "market" myself into getting regular writing gigs.
Perhaps the USWNT will lift my spirits. I have a rare full weekend off and I'm trying to take advantage of it.
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